Design Studio 1

Part C

By Jane Sun on October, 2017

This is the last milestone for the project. I was in charge of code consolidation and most of the website improvement work. Meanwhile, I assigned the final poster, trade show preparation and document consolidation to the other three members of our team. For our final product, we have made a few modifications to the website. First of, instead of inviting people purely enjoy the current music boxes and edit their music version, we also encourage them to help us correct the mistakes we made for the transcribed music. To achieve this goal, I added two more features to the website: the drop-down scroll for the original music score and the 'send to us' function to save the data into our database. Apart from the redesign, I finished the development for the music box page. The screenshot on the right shows the final interface of the music box page. I also enabled the 'scan to share' and 'scan to send' functions for the music box. I have also consolidated all the codings together, modified the CSS styles and added all necessary links to make the project flow. For the final submission, I was responsible for the preparation of the code and deployment of our website.

Process: The website implementation was divided into several parts: the Home page, the music box, the gallery and social media sharing. As a team, each of us took a part of the developing work. One week before the deadline, I collected the code and integrated them into a complete website. We documented the website design and prepared for the last trade show for the final website, please refer to the trade show for more detail.

Reflection: From this project, I have learned that although we were targeting technical problems separately at the beginning of the project. We still need have someone responsible for the website as a whole and to define a CSS style framework before any webpage implementation. Since we did not realize this at the beginning, the overall style and the quality control has become troublesome. Additionality, although this is close to the end of this project, this current product can be used as a prototype for next round of user evaluation. According to the user center design lifecycle, to improve the usability and UX of the current website, user testing should be the next step of the future project.