Design Studio 1

Part B

By Jane Sun on September, 2017

We conducted a paper prototype testing and investigated in the building of the evolutionary prototype. We have successfully provided that our concept is feasible while there might have some improvements expected for both design and coding. The insights we gained from our testing session were: As the initial design for the Music Box interaction was complicated, there should be enough guide to help users understand the process. What is more, as we said in Part A, the partition of the website content was not clear enough. After observing our testing participants complete the tasks and listening to their feedback, we decided to switch the position of the gallery and music box collection to highlight the innovative music box.

Apart from testing, I have examined the two pieces of automatic music transcription software, Audiverse and OpenCMR. I downloaded and compiled the code for the two application. I have also used other image and music tool to recover the music scores. but the results are not ideal. Although a few sections can be recognized, the poor accuracy and recovery rate made it impossible to use the transcribed results on the actual website. Therefore, we decided to use manually reproduced music at the moment.

Furthermore, I tested and modified the existing music box page from The central figure in this section showing the interactable prototype I made from the sample code. To modify the music script, we can move, add and remove notes from the staff. This piece of work has been integrated into the final website in Part C.

Process: For the paper prototype, I finished the preparation and facilitated most of the testing sessions. After the user test, we redesigned a few parts of our product and started the implementation of the minimum viable product to prove the concept. Starting from this part of the project, we use the GitHub to do the version control for our coding.

Reflection: By far, I have tackled the two most difficult technological problems for this project. The future work would mainly focus on the building and testing of the real website. From the teamwork aspect, all of our team members can finish their work on schedule and project communication has been smooth. The improvement we need is a 'quality control' before for each submission to guarantee better results. The deliverable of this project stage was a presentation with a demo of our existing prototype. The feedback of the presentation suggested our team to rehearse well before going up to the stage. This is a lesson that we have learned and managed a improvement in our final trade show